Oats Sheera – Epicurious Cookbooks

Oats Sheera

Oats Sheera.

Ingredients – Oats Sheera

  1. Oats 1/2 cup.
  2. Ghee 1 tbsp.
  3. milk, boiled 250 ml.
  4. Few raisins .
  5. jaggery, crushed 2 tbsp.

Step by step – Oats Sheera

  1. In blender jar grind oats to fine powder..
  2. In a blender, blend Raisins with a little ghee..
  3. Add ghee in a pan and heat, add oats powder, roast for a while. 2 mins. Pour milk and mix well. Let it cook well. Add blended Raisins mix too it and stir well..
  4. Switch off the gas and Let it cool for half a minute. Add grated jaggery give a stir. Serve..

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